Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pilgrims in Zambia

July 6, 2011
Finally access to the internet a week after our arrival, it has been an amazing week and so much accomplished. 

We have all traveled to all the communities and Tom, Lucia and I have spent most of our time in Ng'Ombe with Nina. It is amazing how far she has come in the four years I have known her both in teaching skills as well as personally in her self-confidence. She is a flower who has bloomed and done so beautifully. We are so proud of her and of course as usual she made Ruth cry.
We have also been to Mandevu, Pilgrim's new community where we have been repeatedly welcomed by the women with singing and dancing. We have learned about the things they do such as making the uniforms and maize to be made into nshima, their staple starch. There are two wonderful teachers there, one the longest in-system teacher, Eletina, and Oyna the younger and very able teacher. When we visited Wednesday afternoon they had their graduation for their 7th and 9th Graders and there were SEVENTEEN of them. They were amazing, all wanting to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, policemen, soldiers and on the list goes. We have many pictures and it was truly wonderful. Just to walk into this community and see this number of graduates brought tears to my eyes once again.

Teachers were all involved in a teacher training session over the weekend which was well attended and well received. Each community left with a backpack full of materials. It was wonderful to see and be part of all this. We also were able to get each community a copy of the letter from Fiske along with their book. It was well received by everyone and pictures we taken as well.

We went to Kassi Orphanage yesterday and gave out the knit dolls from everyone. It was amazing and we learned they have 200 orphans. Everyone was amazed once again at how clean the orphanage was and the wonderful care given to the orphans by the Polish nuns. This is the best place one could ever hope for these children ... and on top of the care the wonderful grounds and flowers, garden and planting are amazing beginning with the huge poinsettia TREE at their entrance.
One last wonderful thought for everyone. We were able to get the tennis balls from Dex Whittinghill to three communities and the joy expressed by everyone was amazing. We have many pictures and it was wonderful. Again we took many pictures at all three communities that will bring a smile to many.

We thank you all for all your support and care - you have given an amazing gift to SOOOOOOOOOOO many. Blessings to all, Ruth

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